Uninsured Motorist Coverage can safeguard you from many expenses if you only know how to take its benefit to the maximum. At times, many victims don’t even know how they can utilize this coverage and under what conditions it becomes inevitable. Some question if they even need it! Have a glimpse of the benefits it has to offer you:
- It protects you and your passengers from incurring additional expenses if any injuries occurred after a car accident or any kind of road crashes and the at-fault party is uninsured.
- Another way it can be helpful to you is in situations when the opponent driver is insured but holds a policy of amount which is less than required to pay off your expenses.
- You can claim the bodily or property damage amount from your own insurance company too in case of hit and run accident.
In anyways, you will be benefitted and create a safe side even if the opponent shows carelessness of being uninsured.
More facts you need to consider is that the national average for uninsured drivers on road is 13%. This means one in eight drivers is uninsured and it might seem like a small number but is still not relaxing.
Kinds of Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
1. Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UM/UMBI)
When the at-fault party is totally uninsured, it covers your bodily injuries.
2. Uninsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD)
It helps you cover property damage when the opponent is uninsured.
3. Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UIM/UIMBI)
It covers expenses for bodily injuries when the opposite party is underinsured.
4. Underinsured Motorist Property Damage (UIMPD)
When the opposite party is underinsured, it helps you recover the property damage.
Is it required to have UM/UIM Coverage?
You can consider your minimum car insurance requirements if you think you don’t need one.
- It is mandatory to carry UM/UIM Coverage in more than half of the states of US.
- Some states require drivers to carry a combination of both.
- Some states have liberal and mandatorily allow UM and you can skip UIM coverage.
- In most states that don’t require UM coverage, you must still be offered coverage as it is included automatically in your insurance policy.
Still, have Queries?
If you are still confused and need further details regarding the same, our Personal Injury Attorneys can help you out. We also have a team of Hit and Run Accident Attorneys who can fight for your rights if you or any of your loved one is in any complex situations. We provide FREE CONSULTATION and you can be assured of expert guidance provided you at 303-779-5300.
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